Wednesday, September 30, 2015

It's all part of life

It's all part of life
To be born and To die

It's all part of life
To love and To get your heart broken

It's all part of life
To succeed and To fail

It's all part of life
To have good days and To have bad days

It's all part of life
To laugh and To cry

It's all part of life
To decide to forgive and To want revenge

It's all part of life
To have something to share and To lack something to share

It's all part of life
To love something and to loathe something

But remember one thing
To whom much is given
Much is expected
To whom little is given
They still need to work as hard as the one to whom much is given

Whether life is unfair or not
Is not worth wasting time complaining about it
But time to use what you already have
To attain what you want
So get your priorities straight
And stop wasting time

It's all part of life
To either be among the minority who choose to do the best they can to make the world a better place
or to be among the majority who complain of everything that's wrong in the world
But dare do nothing about it

It's all part of life
That you loose some and you win some
But the choice is yours to make
Which part of life do you want to define you?

Friday, September 4, 2015

Ever wondered

Ever wondered how your life would be if you were born in a different family from the one you are in?
Ever wondered how your life would have ended up if you made different choices in the past?
Ever wondered what would have happened if you handled a past situation differently?

Would things still end up how they are now?
Would I still become the person I am today 
If I made different friends from the ones I have?
Is my life a written permanent script that cannot be changed?

More questions without answers
More wondering
But does it all matter?

Well stop wondering
For that's the past
We are now in the present
Looking forward to the future
So let by gones
Be bye gones

If you lost your entire self
Well pick up yourself
Stop lamenting and complaining
And start to rebuild yourself
Make the present and future you
Better than the past you

If you lost a part of you
Well use what is left of you
To fix yourself
To become a new being
Better than the broken you

If you have been looking at one side of the coin for too long
Well it is time to flip the coin and view the other side
For it may be prettier than the one you are used to
Or of more value and worth

If you have been concentrating on the pain and the hurt
Well it is time you concentrated on repaying pain and hurt with love
Disappointment and disapproval with acceptance and more love
For love is the answer

Smile when insulted
Pray for the one who plans evil against you
Help the one who wouldn't help you
Do all these with love in your heart
For their benefit and positive gain
Not for yours
Let their joy and their happiness
Be your joy and happiness

Offer a flower to the broken hearted as a sign of new hope
Rejoice at the successes of others
Feel the pain at the failure of others
Do all these without malice
For their pain is your pain
For their failure is your failure
For their success is your success

Stop wondering
Start living
Accept your past
Accept your present
Work towards your future