Monday, December 11, 2017

Out of My Hands

My Mind can't comprehend its thoughts
It simply relays them to the body

Through the effects of the hypothalamus
The brain sends waves to the nerves
Nerve wrecked the body shakes
Nerve pain...
Please let it not be a stroke
All the stroke I can take is the stroke on my back
As he hugs me tight
As he tells me it is all right
Not to give up the fight
Of that which I really want.

My Mind can't comprehend its thoughts
It is confused about
Celibacy or Marriage
Solitude or Company.

Afraid to think
Afraid to blink
Afraid to speak
To speak of my fears that lie deep
Of loneliness and darkness
Of cold nights and an empty bed
Sleeping on the sofa set
That's small enough to feel cosy
To give me the illusion that i am not alone.

Afraid to imagine
Afraid to touch him
Afraid to call him honey
For he is real
I live in him
He lives in me
We live 
In the same house
In the same bed
The same wardrobe
On the same dining table
And soon
Little imitations of him and me
Will be roaming our sitting room
Soon they will be all grown up
Living in a house with a big swimming pool

What if that is not the case
That my case gets sensitive
small home
husband and wife
dull lives
quarreling nights
second wife
barren first wife..

What then?
Cry and pray
Pray and cry
Threaten to leave
A life I stopped living?

My Mind can't comprehend
Its thought of regret
My Body can't comprehend
Its marks of history
Its valleys of geography
Imprinted with a permanent marker
Case capitalized
Case closed
The verdict...
I'll let you decide

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Tough Love

We lose ourselves
Not to find ourselves.

We lose ourselves
Because we let it happen.

We let ourselves
To be dragged by the motions of life.

We let ourselves
To not care about our dreams anymore.

We let ourselves
To become Lazy.

Then we are carried away by the drift

Of a life without meaning
Of a life that seeks nothing at all
Living lives that are not our own

Wasted time
Wasted potential
When will you wake up?