Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The Uncertainty of Tomorrow

Isn't the past

Isn't the present

Is rather the future

And a bargain

The uncertainty of tomorrow
Causes anxiety and worry 

That we are blind to the events and existence of tomorrow
Causes panic and unrest

Tomorrow as a bargain
Is dreaded by most
A bid of possibilities and impossibilities
For Tomorrow
May never come
For Tomorrow
May be your last
A Tomorrow
Filled with procrastinations

A falsification that we are immortal?
That we still have time?
To correct our wrongs?
To be better individuals?
To accomplish our goals?
To procrastinate some more?

The impermanence of Today
Bears the gift of Tomorrow
The impermanence of Today
Makes us value every second we get
The impermanence of Today
Today becomes Tomorrow
The impermanence of Tomorrow
The Time Cycle of Life

A Tomorrow filled with

That it is Rainy Today
Doesn't mean it won't be Sunny Tomorrow
A chance that may carry greatness with it
How you shape your Today
Shall help shape your Tomorrow

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Why do you live for today?

Today may end
To give way to Tomorrow
Resulting to the existence of the past
A past we call Yesterday

We cry at the end of Today
But we should smile
For it offers us a new opportunity
A Future to be better than we were Today
A Past we can look back to to correct our mistakes
A Current to live like there is no tomorrow
A Current to fulfill our dreams
A Current to attain our life goals
A Current to do our best
To give our all
In all we do
But be happy
For the blessing of a new day

An existence we paid no price for
Gifts and talents we need to utilize
Aid we need to offer
Love we need to share
Gratitude we need to show
Mistakes we need to make
To learn and gain strength 
To never give up
Or feel lowly of ourselves
For the lives we live are not for our sake
But for His sake
The success we gain is not ours
But His
We live for our families
We live for our future generation
We secure better opportunities for those in our lives or yet to come
For it is more fulfilling
To live your today for others.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Time the Beauty of an Impermanent World

The beauty of an impermanent world
We get to treasure every minute
Every moment
To Love without fear
To Smile and Laugh
To live like a child with no worries
For there maybe no tomorrow to love
For there maybe no tomorrow to smile
For there maybe no tomorrow to live like a child

The beauty of an impermanent world
Our worries, pain and suffering
Are not eternal
They will soon fade away
Joy and happiness will soon bloom
It may not be here
But in the next world
So make your today worth it
To smile eternally

The beauty of an impermanent world
Today I live
Tomorrow death might come for me
I got to see the sun rise and set today
I accomplished my purpose in life
I lived my life to the fullest
I used my potential to my maximum
I shall die empty

The beauty of an impermanent world
I shall pave way for a better generation
Stories will exist
Stories will be told
Of the life I lived
Of the deeds I did
Question is
Will my great grandchildren smile at the tale?
Learn from the tale?
Wish I was alive for them to hug me goodbye?
Will I even end up as a story?
Or my death will be final?
My children too ashamed of the life I lived?
A bad example to my great grandchildren?
My death
An erase of my existence?
My death
My awakening to greatness?

The beauty of an impermanent world
All that is temporary
Is permanent
Permanent as memories
Memories we can hold on to
Meditation key
Key to relive those fragments
But only in our imagination
Smile in solitude
At remembrance of what was once temporary
Now permanent
In our own special way

The beauty of an impermanent world
Makes us grateful of what we've got
The beauty of an impermanent world
Gives us strength to persevere the pain
The beauty of an impermanent world
Gives us hope of better days
The beauty of an impermanent world
Our situations good or bad
Our joy and sadness
Our life and death
Gifts and blessings
We paid nothing to own
Lets share them
Lets value them
Lets learn from them
Lets leave as one

The beauty of an impermanent world
Let your time count

See beyond the norm

It is never
A crack on a wall
A crack on a ceramic vase, plate or pot.

It is never
A wrinkled face
A withered flower.

It is never
A dying person
A dying flower.

It is never
About permanence.


It is never permanent
But it is always certain
That we will all go through it
And we will all perceive it differently.

But have you ever taken a moment?
To see beyond the blemish?
Beyond what society has marked "imperfect"?
To see the bigger picture?
That is the art that lies within and beyond
Those cracks
Those wrinkles and withered petals
That last breath?

I have.

I see new beauty
Blinding beauty
Shining like a cluster of stars
With renewed glamor
With intense strength
With intense hope
With a big warm smile.

Cracks that reveal the image of a bird
Cracks that spell out love
Cracks that add new beauty

Wrinkles that spell out wisdom
Withered petals that portray fragility
Wanting to shelter the flower
That it stays bright a little longer
That it retains its sweet scent
Withered petals that show the importance of value for what you have
Before it is all lost

Is not the end
Rather the beginning
Of a new age
Of those that are born today
The last breath
Taken with a smile
With youth in the eyes
Paving a way
To start life again

At its perfection.

Friday, September 9, 2016

You are not your sins, Unless you make it so

They stood and watched
Watched as they destroyed her
Watched as they tore him apart
Piece by piece

They laughed
Found pleasure in doing so
The Id leading in this endeavor
The Superego destroyed
The Ego a puppet to Id's commands

Lack of selflessness
More on selfishness
Lack of humanity
More of injustice
I - rules

Filled to the brim
Eating like a pig
Consuming past what you can accommodate
It is no longer about hunger
It is a bad behavior
An ugly, disgusting endeavor 

Jealousy is your middle name
Never happy about others' good fortune
You hate on them
Call them names
Break their esteems
Your behavior towards them
A reflection of you
Hating on you

You beat your chest
You are the best
Who told you so?
If you think as far as your nose?
Always about 'ME' ,'I'
Never the person of 'WE'
Gets no where
Try humility for a day
It won't tire your soul

Love clothed in infatuation
Desires of the flesh
Kills your worth
Kills your being
My body
The temple of the Lord
Confused whether it is love or lust?
Happy if the world knows what you have been doing in the dark?
Without a ring on your finger?
Let's parade you on the streets
Let's lay ourselves naked
Let's judge each other?
Let me give you an answer?
Let your conscience give you the answer

Will destroy you
No one likes angry people
Even the lion knows how to stay cool
You will regret your actions
Is not to blame
Are accountable of your feelings


Destroy the soul
Make you empty
Stain your being
Make you unworthy
Free from grace

That's what They result to

Anybody can fall victim
Forgiveness is for all
Consequences as well
You are accountable
Point the finger
At you

But all is not lost
You are not a lost cause
Your grace can be restored
Your soul can be made new
Your being can be washed clean
You are worthy
Wrongs made right
Guilt turned to acceptance
Shame turned to example
Death is now life

Are not You

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Puzzle

Open your heart
let it speak to you
Open your mind
let it think freely
Trust your gut
It's never wrong

Living a dream
Illusions of the mind
Hurt by love
Holding on
To What's already lost?

Let the pen flow freely 
Let it tell it's own story 
Let it draw it's own perspective 
Of the world that was
Of the world that is
Of the world that will be
Of the world that will never exist

Question my integrity 
Question my loyalty 
Question my every move
Because I don't trust me

Cry for help
Laugh for strength 
Close your eyes
Live in your imagination

We can never fully comprehend

Friday, August 19, 2016

Music, My Other Language

Strumming your strings
Such sweet pain indeed
Holding tight to sound sweet 
If I let go there will be no hum
If I let go there will be no tune
If I let go there will be no song

Hold you close
Yet not so close
Hold you tight 
Yet not so tight
Hold you right
Strum you right
Let's write out my story 
Through the chords strummed from your strings 
Let's string together 
Let's make music forever

I am afraid
To take it all away
I am afraid
To try and make my way
Will I stand?
Will I sway?
I need to know..
Can I make my way?

See, what you took
Rather, what you have
Rather, the part of me you own
Is the only thing I need
To make my way out
Of this forsaken world
Of hurt and pain

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Robbed of my father
Robbed of my mother
Robbed of my sister
Robbed of my brother
Robbed of my family and friends

Empty and scared
Hollow and wrecked
With a void I seek to fill
With solace tears
With silence and darkness
With retrieval and denial
But fear brings me back to reality

Taunting and maddening
Fear of the silence inside
Fear of the illusions in my mind
Fear of the haunting sleepless nights
Fear of the memories of what is gone

Leave me alone
Come for me too
Why did you have to leave me?
Am I that undeserving
That death loves others more than it loves me?
Take me as well
Take me where you took the rest
Take me now
I beg
But please make it as painless as sleeping.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Not all is lost, I still hold on to Hope

You were my hero
I was your princess
I am your reflection
Your image and likeness
Similar in your nature
An imitator of your behaviors

I held you with high esteem
And you taught me never to accept anything less than royalty
For I would grow into a Queen
Thus destined for a King

Mum loved you
You both completed and complemented each other
I an added piece of the puzzle
Further enhanced the beauty you both illuminated
Like the sun as it sets in the evening
Like the lilies in our little garden

You promised you would never leave her
You promised you would always lover her
You promised you would always be my hero
You promised I would always be your princess

Mother loved you
Mother believed you
I loved you
I believed you

But you broke your promise
And broke our family
When mother passed on
I was left alone

For you took in another
And she brought with her 
duplicates similar to herself
She was your witch
And you became her wizard
What was to become of me?

Our castle became a dungeon
Our little garden of lilies
Killed for being pretty
For the witch lied that they gave her allergies
And the laughter and life in our house
Soon perished like our flowers

Lost you to another
One I am supposed to call
How about
For that is what she is

Will I ever get you back father?
Am I still worthy of a king?
Or doomed for believing it was not your fault?
You were just trying out your luck?
For a second chance in love?
So do I forgive you?
For the broken promises and hurt?
Should I stop judging you?
For maybe you were lied to as well?
Just seeking comfort for lost love?
Lost for she passed away?
And I a constant reminder of her beautiful smile?

Sorry papa I couldn't piece our family puzzle back together again
Sorry papa I couldn't comfort you when mother died
Sorry papa for the pain you carried alone inside
I still love you papa
And I will wait as long as it will take 
For you to return home to your little daughter.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Past Time... Present Time

Once upon a time
A catch phrase every child knew
Once upon a time
As such story books are indeed once upon a time
A distant time in history
A time slowly becoming extinct 

Once upon a time
Stories about princes and princesses
Once upon a time
Stories about happy ever afters
Once upon a time
Stories about utopia worlds
Once upon a time
Magic, fairies, talking animals and trees
Once upon a time
Imagination came alive

In this time
Children Speak, Live and Fancy XYZs
X-box, YouTube and Zombies
And trending in numbers HTCs
Horrors, Thrillers and Cos-plays

In this time
Batman vs Superman
In this time
Civil war
In this time
In this time
Game of Thrones

Not every pool of water owns depth
Not all stories start with Once upon a time
Not all stories end with a happy ever after
Not every content you feed your system is necessary
Not everything is worth investing your time in

Past and Present time
Had and Has negatives and positives
Invest in positive growth
Plan to dive in enough depth of water
Not in a baby pool
Get the right fishing spot
Not a swamp

Seek information and knowledge in the right places
Seek guidance and assistance from the right people
Be creative and think big
It is not about happy ever afters
It is not about magic and flying dragons
Nor about princes and princesses
That I treasure Once upon a time stories
It is about the hope they give
The lesson they teach
That good always prospers over bad, evil, wicked
No matter how long it takes
No matter the struggle that one shall face
Justice prevails over injustice
The truth will always be laid open
Those who are humble are surely exalted

Once upon a time
Was someone's dream
Wake up
Open your eyes
and write out your own story
for you bear all the materials you require to do so;
Your talents and abilities

Believe in yourself, 
Have determination, 
Work Hard and Smart
Let Prayer and Meditation be your daily routine
Know that your dreams are possible to accomplish
You just need to have courage and be kind

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Struggle

Such impeccable beauty She is
Oh! What marvel to the eyes
You can view Her from any angle
But every angle is different, 
Every angle is unique, 
Every angle is special, 
Every angle is more beautiful than the other.

But to keep such beauty,
She had to Fight!
She had to Fight Hard! 
She had to Fight with Strength!
She had to Fight with Courage!
She had to Fight with Wisdom bestowed upon Her by Her ancestors!
She had to Fight with her all!
To have it all
Not to loose at all
The beauty that is rightfully Hers
Her forty two children She wanted safe
To shield under Her breast.

She commands respect and attention
Admiration and approval
Her home covered with green vegetation
Creatures of all kind
Maybe the Garden of Eden in the modern times
A land of milk and honey
That the pale skin men saw as potential
Potential to scramble for and grab
Grab what wasn't theirs
Harvesting where they had not sown
Imprisoning the children of the land 
And we became slaves in our own home.
Slaves to be exploited
Whips, sexual assaults, starvation, taxes and torture chambers rewards for resisting
Slaves ripped off our independence to free will, thoughts, ideas, opinions,
For anything you said was already held against you
Left but only with the right and freedom to breath
For they couldn't rule that
And with all their "intelligence"
They had no control over it.

They said they came to our land to bring "civilization"
But all they did was insult us
They made us donkeys
Beasts of burden
They called us monkeys
They called us dogs.
Did they think after all their treatments we would accept them?
Give them gifts?
You mess with a chick,
Well be prepared to be pecked by the Mother Hen's beak
You tried to destroy our culture and make us go against each another
So we fought for the blood you spilled
That was our weeping
Fighting and revolting against you
And we finally won
And sent you packing 
Back to your home

Now She holds Her head high
Waving Her beautiful powerful Black, Red, Green and White flag
For Her people fought with shields and spears in defense of their freedom
Blood was shed and She mourned for Her lost children
But She reclaimed Her natural wealth
Now peace is Her motto