Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Struggle

Such impeccable beauty She is
Oh! What marvel to the eyes
You can view Her from any angle
But every angle is different, 
Every angle is unique, 
Every angle is special, 
Every angle is more beautiful than the other.

But to keep such beauty,
She had to Fight!
She had to Fight Hard! 
She had to Fight with Strength!
She had to Fight with Courage!
She had to Fight with Wisdom bestowed upon Her by Her ancestors!
She had to Fight with her all!
To have it all
Not to loose at all
The beauty that is rightfully Hers
Her forty two children She wanted safe
To shield under Her breast.

She commands respect and attention
Admiration and approval
Her home covered with green vegetation
Creatures of all kind
Maybe the Garden of Eden in the modern times
A land of milk and honey
That the pale skin men saw as potential
Potential to scramble for and grab
Grab what wasn't theirs
Harvesting where they had not sown
Imprisoning the children of the land 
And we became slaves in our own home.
Slaves to be exploited
Whips, sexual assaults, starvation, taxes and torture chambers rewards for resisting
Slaves ripped off our independence to free will, thoughts, ideas, opinions,
For anything you said was already held against you
Left but only with the right and freedom to breath
For they couldn't rule that
And with all their "intelligence"
They had no control over it.

They said they came to our land to bring "civilization"
But all they did was insult us
They made us donkeys
Beasts of burden
They called us monkeys
They called us dogs.
Did they think after all their treatments we would accept them?
Give them gifts?
You mess with a chick,
Well be prepared to be pecked by the Mother Hen's beak
You tried to destroy our culture and make us go against each another
So we fought for the blood you spilled
That was our weeping
Fighting and revolting against you
And we finally won
And sent you packing 
Back to your home

Now She holds Her head high
Waving Her beautiful powerful Black, Red, Green and White flag
For Her people fought with shields and spears in defense of their freedom
Blood was shed and She mourned for Her lost children
But She reclaimed Her natural wealth
Now peace is Her motto

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

My Power My Freedom

Color and ambiance
Beauty and glamour
Freckles and wrinkles
Wisdom and power
Seeking attention
Commanding approval
Let matters speak for themselves

Let them command a podium with their voice

The art of drawing
The art of music
The art of writing
The art of dance
The art of poetry
The art of photography
The art of technology
The art of free versing 
The art of spoken word
Arts of expression
Arts of sharing
Arts of liberation
Arts of love

Their influence
In their power
Power of color
Power of words
Power of tunes
Power of chords
Power of choreographed steps
Power of the lens
Power of code

Freedom of the arts
Freedom in the flow of the pen
Freedom in the flow of the paint brush
Freedom in the flow of the body
Freedom in the observation of life as it unfolds behind the camera

The Power and Freedom of expression

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Dear Darling

Hold your breath and count two, ten
Then breath in... breathe out
Now put your trust in me.

Close your eyes and take my hand
We are about to go for a journey you won't forget
So Dear Darling
Don't be scared..
To take the first step.

Hold on tight
Don't let go
I promise
Not to break you or make you fall
Our future is intertwined
I hope you can see
As clear as I can see through the glitter in the sea
The sea of your eyes
A reflection of me
Same as the sea reflects the sky that we now see.

In the present and the beyond
Our hands and hearts will remain
A perfect complete jigsaw
Of different shapes
Different sizes
Different strokes
Perfectly intertwined
Perfect in every way
Natural perfection
For we didn't have to lift a finger
To join the pieces together
For each simply found their perfect other
And they complimented and completed each other.

Isn't it beautiful and warm?
To watch the sun rise and to watch it fall?
Fall... to bow to the rise of the Moon
As the Moon shall soon fall... to bow to the rising Sun
Two leaders that rule with great grandeur
Each with a kingdom they don't fight over
Both beautiful in their perfect way?
Both dependent and independent of each other
Both whose future is intertwined as ours.

Dear Darling
Don't be scared
To open your eyes and make this a reality
To let the jigsaw complete itself
To let our hands intertwine forever
To trust me with all you've got
For I shall always hold on
Even when you let go.

Monday, June 6, 2016


They question
They say with disgust
I shout and chant it
That Sarafina fought for
My dream... As Martin Luther King Jr also had his dream
To attain self actualization
For I have liberation
That is not a limitation
To use my full potential

Am I not your equal?
Am I not supposed to breathe in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide?
Is it not blood that is supposed to flow through my veins?
I may differ from some of you because of gender
Because of ideology
Because I lack a limb or two
Because I can't speak out my words as fast as you do
But I still ask...
Am I not your equal?
Do I not deserve to be treated like a human or a fellow animal?
Because under biology we are animal mammals.
I deserve respect the same way you do
I deserve to have a voice the same way you do
I deserve equal shares of humanity
In this company we call life.

Is what you have put me in
Both physical and mental
Of bondage
Of regret
Of "You can't do it"
Of "You won't do it"
"You won't make it"
"You're not worth it"
Chains! Chains! Chains!

Liberate me
Set me free

Liberate me
I am your equal

Liberate me
Break these chains

Is what I seek

Is what I crave

I shall fight
To attain it

Dear Son

Dear son...
I loved you so much...
That killing you was the only way to rid you of your pain.

I couldn't take it no more
To see you toss and turn each day
In your little bed
Crying in pain
Because of a disease that strove to gain
Its gain being to take your life away
I couldn't take it no more
To hear you cry out my name
For me to make the pain go away
I am your mother but ain't a doctor
I wish there would have been another way
To ease your pain
But I was left with no options my son
For the doctors couldn't help you
And I didn't have the money to support you
To buy you painkillers
Or take you to India for treatment
Forgive me son
For taking you to your grave
But it was the only way out
The single option I had left
To make the pain go away.
Noises from the neighbors 
To make you hush
So they could sleep at night
Annoyed me so much
Didn't they see that you were in pain?
Didn't they see how much I struggled for you to be well?
To cry in joy and not in pain?
They pushed me my son
I feared that they would take you away from me
And would never get to see you again
I thus had to send you to heaven first my son
But don't worry
I will be joining you soon
For the poison I put in your food this morning
Is the poison I have put in my food this evening
See you soon my son
In a land where we shall feel pain no more

Friday, June 3, 2016

Wangu wa Makeri

     When it comes down to history, fame, success, failure and events; it all boils down to individuals who shaped them and the magnitude of their impact in the society or better yet the peculiar attributes exuded by such people or events. Such people include Adolf Hitler, Dedan Kimathi, Ben Carson, Wangari Maathai and many others. Similarly, events such as the World War II, the fight for freedom by the MauMau, the fight to keep Uhuru Park by Wangari Maathai and many others.
     However, today's recap of history is not about any of those people or events I have named but rather about one woman who will not be scrapped out of history any time soon. She was born around the year 1856 to Mr. Gatuika Macharia and Mrs. Wakeru of Gitie Village in Kangema division, Muranga district. She attracted Makeri wa Mbogo of Ndorbo descent form Ethaga clan through her hard work on her parents land and soon landed herself a husband. History isn't clear about her status about having bore children as some claim she was barren others claim her children, born before she was appointed a colonial administrator, were named Nyakimotho, Nyambura, Wanguru, Muchiri, Gatuika and Mwangi. 
     Her appointment as the first and only female "headman", assistant chief, of Weithaga location during the entire colonial period took place in 1901 earning her the prestige of being the first Kikuyu female leader as well. She is well remembered as the woman who humiliated the menfolk of her time as she rode them like horses and quite promiscuous. Her downfall was led by the menfolk of Weithaga who were tired of her treatment and they revolted and plotted against her. It happened that fateful day when Wangu committed the ultimate insult against tradition and her office when she danced at an exclusive adult male dance, Kibata, as called by the Kikuyu, while she was naked. It is claimed that she saw her hero and lover, Karuri, dancing with youth and vigor, and couldn't resist the urge to join him and she joined in the dance  as she removed some of her clothing exposing her body, while others claimed that before joining the dance some of the men adjusted her ceremonial sword near her waist and it cut the strings to her traditional skirt, which dropped when it was cut loose exposing her nakedness as she danced.She became the subject of ridicule and forced to resign soon after.


Leading with an iron fist
Trouping over the heads of men
All done with a bigger cause
Or all for some selfish reasons?
Being a feminist
Or a chauvinist
Should we take two seconds to analyze this?

Leading with an iron fist
Riding over the backs of men
Free humiliation
For menfolk of Weithaga
At the hand of Wangu
Not “My” Wangu
But Wangu wa Makeri

Leading with an iron fist
Her downfall caused by the hand of man

Black History Month

The dream of one person is what started this
He did not intend to be a legend
Neither did he intend to be famous
Or get crowned as a hero
He simply intended to give his fellow black family
A sense of pride for being the people they were...

The Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH)
That is where he started his journey
Founding an organization with his fellow black intellectuals
One dedicated to researching and promoting achievements by black Americans 
Not forgetting other peoples of African descent
This is the year 1915 
It marks the beginning of that revolution

State Department of Educations with considerable Negro population,
Black press...
The public had to be informed and what better way to do so
The Journal of Negro History(1916)
"We are going back to that beautiful history and it is going to inspire us to greater achievements"
Wouldn't you be interested to read it?
Wouldn't you be interested in saving your race?
Wouldn't you want to be an ambassador of such a cause?

It is now 1926
The month of February
It is not only the month of love
But bares more history and significance than that
The birthdays of Abraham Lincoln (12th February) and Frederick Douglass (14th February), 
Two great Americans
That played a prominent role in shaping black history days
And black communities and other Republicans commemorated their birthdays each year
Even when they were long gone
Six feet below the ground.
Negro History Week 
The new name for the week in which these two heroes were born
Traditional and symbolic days of commemorating the black past.

"If a race has no history, it has no worthwhile tradition, it becomes a negligible factor in the thought of the world, it stands in danger of being exterminated."
This is what he fought hard to prevent
The extinction of the black race
The luck of pride
The luck of justice
The luck of acceptance
For the color the black man has
It was no longer about the study of two great men
But of a great race

One man's dream soon became a whole nation's dream
One step towards that journey became a movement
A one day thought became a whole week celebration
Soon it became Black History Month
Will it one day become a Black History Year?

Carter G. Woodson, the Harvard-trained historian,
Will not get to see if what he started will end up being a yearly celebration
Rather than the monthly celebration it currently is,
But he would be proud of what he has achieved
That black history is a field of serious study
From biographies  of famous African Americans such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Muhammad Ali
To milestones accomplished in education in historically black colleges.

It may be a celebration started out in the United States, that spread to the United Kingdom and Canada
But it is of impact to all Africans in every country in the world.
I am proud to be Black
Are you?