You were my hero
I was your princess
I am your reflection
Your image and likeness
Similar in your nature
An imitator of your behaviors
I held you with high esteem
And you taught me never to accept anything less than royalty
For I would grow into a Queen
Thus destined for a King
Mum loved you
You both completed and complemented each other
I an added piece of the puzzle
Further enhanced the beauty you both illuminated
Like the sun as it sets in the evening
Like the lilies in our little garden
You promised you would never leave her
You promised you would always lover her
You promised you would always be my hero
You promised I would always be your princess
Mother loved you
Mother believed you
I loved you
I believed you
But you broke your promise
And broke our family
When mother passed on
I was left alone
For you took in another
And she brought with her
duplicates similar to herself
She was your witch
And you became her wizard
What was to become of me?
Our castle became a dungeon
Our little garden of lilies
Killed for being pretty
For the witch lied that they gave her allergies
And the laughter and life in our house
Soon perished like our flowers
Lost you to another
One I am supposed to call
How about
For that is what she is
Will I ever get you back father?
Am I still worthy of a king?
Or doomed for believing it was not your fault?
You were just trying out your luck?
For a second chance in love?
So do I forgive you?
For the broken promises and hurt?
Should I stop judging you?
For maybe you were lied to as well?
Just seeking comfort for lost love?
Lost for she passed away?
And I a constant reminder of her beautiful smile?
Sorry papa I couldn't piece our family puzzle back together again
Sorry papa I couldn't comfort you when mother died
Sorry papa for the pain you carried alone inside
I still love you papa
And I will wait as long as it will take
For you to return home to your little daughter.