Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Puzzle

Open your heart
let it speak to you
Open your mind
let it think freely
Trust your gut
It's never wrong

Living a dream
Illusions of the mind
Hurt by love
Holding on
To What's already lost?

Let the pen flow freely 
Let it tell it's own story 
Let it draw it's own perspective 
Of the world that was
Of the world that is
Of the world that will be
Of the world that will never exist

Question my integrity 
Question my loyalty 
Question my every move
Because I don't trust me

Cry for help
Laugh for strength 
Close your eyes
Live in your imagination

We can never fully comprehend

Friday, August 19, 2016

Music, My Other Language

Strumming your strings
Such sweet pain indeed
Holding tight to sound sweet 
If I let go there will be no hum
If I let go there will be no tune
If I let go there will be no song

Hold you close
Yet not so close
Hold you tight 
Yet not so tight
Hold you right
Strum you right
Let's write out my story 
Through the chords strummed from your strings 
Let's string together 
Let's make music forever

I am afraid
To take it all away
I am afraid
To try and make my way
Will I stand?
Will I sway?
I need to know..
Can I make my way?

See, what you took
Rather, what you have
Rather, the part of me you own
Is the only thing I need
To make my way out
Of this forsaken world
Of hurt and pain

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Robbed of my father
Robbed of my mother
Robbed of my sister
Robbed of my brother
Robbed of my family and friends

Empty and scared
Hollow and wrecked
With a void I seek to fill
With solace tears
With silence and darkness
With retrieval and denial
But fear brings me back to reality

Taunting and maddening
Fear of the silence inside
Fear of the illusions in my mind
Fear of the haunting sleepless nights
Fear of the memories of what is gone

Leave me alone
Come for me too
Why did you have to leave me?
Am I that undeserving
That death loves others more than it loves me?
Take me as well
Take me where you took the rest
Take me now
I beg
But please make it as painless as sleeping.