To give way to Tomorrow
Resulting to the existence of the past
A past we call Yesterday
We cry at the end of Today
But we should smile
For it offers us a new opportunity
A Future to be better than we were Today
A Past we can look back to to correct our mistakes
A Current to live like there is no tomorrow
A Current to fulfill our dreams
A Current to attain our life goals
A Current to do our best
To give our all
In all we do
But be happy
For the blessing of a new day
An existence we paid no price for
Gifts and talents we need to utilize
Aid we need to offer
Love we need to share
Gratitude we need to show
Mistakes we need to make
To learn and gain strength
To never give up
Or feel lowly of ourselves
For the lives we live are not for our sake
But for His sake
The success we gain is not ours
But His
We live for our families
We live for our future generation
We secure better opportunities for those in our lives or yet to come
For it is more fulfilling
To live your today for others.