Monday, December 11, 2017

Out of My Hands

My Mind can't comprehend its thoughts
It simply relays them to the body

Through the effects of the hypothalamus
The brain sends waves to the nerves
Nerve wrecked the body shakes
Nerve pain...
Please let it not be a stroke
All the stroke I can take is the stroke on my back
As he hugs me tight
As he tells me it is all right
Not to give up the fight
Of that which I really want.

My Mind can't comprehend its thoughts
It is confused about
Celibacy or Marriage
Solitude or Company.

Afraid to think
Afraid to blink
Afraid to speak
To speak of my fears that lie deep
Of loneliness and darkness
Of cold nights and an empty bed
Sleeping on the sofa set
That's small enough to feel cosy
To give me the illusion that i am not alone.

Afraid to imagine
Afraid to touch him
Afraid to call him honey
For he is real
I live in him
He lives in me
We live 
In the same house
In the same bed
The same wardrobe
On the same dining table
And soon
Little imitations of him and me
Will be roaming our sitting room
Soon they will be all grown up
Living in a house with a big swimming pool

What if that is not the case
That my case gets sensitive
small home
husband and wife
dull lives
quarreling nights
second wife
barren first wife..

What then?
Cry and pray
Pray and cry
Threaten to leave
A life I stopped living?

My Mind can't comprehend
Its thought of regret
My Body can't comprehend
Its marks of history
Its valleys of geography
Imprinted with a permanent marker
Case capitalized
Case closed
The verdict...
I'll let you decide

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Tough Love

We lose ourselves
Not to find ourselves.

We lose ourselves
Because we let it happen.

We let ourselves
To be dragged by the motions of life.

We let ourselves
To not care about our dreams anymore.

We let ourselves
To become Lazy.

Then we are carried away by the drift

Of a life without meaning
Of a life that seeks nothing at all
Living lives that are not our own

Wasted time
Wasted potential
When will you wake up?

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


I'd like to indulge in the pleasures of the world
don't misquote me
before you listen to what i have to say

i don't refer to the indulgence
the pleasures of premarital sex
that's the norm of my age this day
where love is merely sugar coated lust

i don't refer to the indulgence
the pleasures of drugs
that's the norm of my age this day
where weed is used more than managu, the weed

i refer to the indulgence
the pleasures of the beautiful sun before 11am
the sight of the rainbow in its glimmering colors
the sight of true love, accompanied by honest natural PDA
for yes... such still exists
despite the trash talk that goes around about it
Rumours of "They are Friends With Benefit" will spread
but reality is They are Friends Of Benefit
They care and love each other
Oblivious of the world
How they act in public is how they act in private
True to their love
True to themselves.

I refer to the indulgence
The pleasures of the scent of the earth when it is about to rain
the horrible smell of flowers unknown
Who said all pleasures need to be pleasurable?
A mothers joy is still her biggest pain;
the day she bares a child
Then the pain is washed away;
by the cry of the child
As she holds it;
to see the human she bore for 9 months
I'd like to indulge in the pleasures of the world because
I have been too busy worrying about tomorrow 
Instead of living in the present
I have been too busy chasing happiness in specific people
Instead of drawing happiness from everyday life
Blind to those who have always been my joy
Blind to the beauty of nature
Blind to the beauty I possess
Joy and love found within me
Happiness, a state of mind

Well then
I seek to pen off here
And now that you understand my cravings
Come join me
Let's indulge in the endless pleasures of the world: )

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Dark Yet Lovely

She is a tornado dressed as the 11am sun
she sun kisses your soul without touching your body
she warms your heart at the perfect degree
she is but an appetite
she never serves main courses
She could be dessert
But with an after taste 

She is the ice cream you crave during summer 
the morning coffee that jump starts your brains
She knows how to sweeten your taste buds
Cool your temper 
And keep you hooked
She, a drug with no detox

There is a but about her
Remember she is a tornado
No matter how beautiful 
No matter how charming 
No matter how calm she looks
She is a tornado
that needs the hand of God to calm down
And needs you to have the might and patience to wait it out
To eventually love her in her different seasons
For she will rain, her tears will flood her eyes
For she will rip off the roof of your heart

But her true skin is within her somewhere 
The 11am sun she is having a hard time keeping permanent
The calm night sky her eyes the stars
The moon her soul
She will brighten your life
Sooth your wounds
Tender to your being 
With warm loving hands.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Paint the City The Color Of My Skin

paint my city Black
royal dark blue as the Sudanese
black as ebony
black as coal
gold is the color of my complexion

paint my city Black
paint it with love
rub out the discrimination
paint in the peace
love my identity
proud to be me
love for humanity
black identity
i can be whoever i set out to be

paint my city Black 
no you cant touch my skin
or feel my hair
i ain't a monkey in a zoo
i am human like you

paint my city Black
my culture is unique 
I am not weak
I shall not be naive
I know my rights
I shall fight for my identity

Paint my city Black
As black as my skin
As red as my lips
As white as my teeth
A true African Queen

A Bad Haircut

So I went to my barber
For my usual haircut
I trusted no other barber
Except this one

I picked a fashion magazine
Turned the pages with interest
Got sucked in with the content of the pages
Relaxed and left him to do his work

Bad idea?
To assume this day will turn out like any other?
That I will lift my head off the pages of the magazine
Pay the barber
Glance at the mirror
Smile to myself
And walk out the barbers shop
With my Usual Haircut?

On this single day
The barber might have been having a bad day
Or it was just a reminder
That we are all human
Humans make mistakes
My barber can make a mistake -
Something I strongly doubted
My barber had actually made a mistake

He didn't give me my Usual Haircut

I am not one to shout
To cry
Or curse
He was already saying his sorry
That he wasn't careful with my hair
He was already begging
To make it alright
And I let him
Correct his mistake
And guess what?

A temporary bad haircut
Turned out to be my next big brand
And now it is my permanent
Though I don't long for another bad haircut
For it might not take a good turn
As this current one:)


As a white sheet of paper
As a vacated room ready for demolition

Blank pages
Empty spaces
Black life
Hollow shell

A caged soul
A wrecked ship
A disembodied being
What's left worth saving?

She stares
She petrifies 
Hollow sad globe eyes
She speaks 
Skunks have nothing on her
Stench of death she reeks

She's a walking corpse
An apocalypse that can't be stopped 
The virus has spread
Faster than the oxgen you inhale and the carbon (IV) oxide you exhale
She's a ticking time bomb
Who'll bring down 100square feet of those around her

Monday, July 31, 2017



Not thinking straight
Not feeling straight
Not seeing straight
Not behaving straight

Screw up
Emotional wreck

Voices in my head
Pain in my chest
Emptiness in my stomach
Weakness in my bones

I can't take it no more
Free me
Unchain me
Let go of me

Hold me close
Let me cry it out
Let me draw it out
Don't turn off the lights
Don't take me back to darkness
Be my light
Don't let me go
Don't judge me
Just love me


The dawn of a new day
Or is it a new day has dawned?
I will let you decide which fits best.
With what I am about to say,
Grammar matters.
But entirely for the purposes of ensuring you say what you exactly mean
Rather than to make a person struggle,
For them to understand what you want to say.
This is such an example of what may or may not make sense
Rather you have to read it keenly
To make sense of it.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Just but the beginning of the journey...

They look at me as though I am dirt
Smelly and rotten
Like I am from the cabbage garbage dump
They call me names
Tag my black tough pony tails
Poke my skin with sticks and stones
Just to see if I can bleed
Just to see if they can wash my skin clean
I bet they would soak me in bleach
To see if that would work on me
Yet my pony tails and skin
Hold the tales of my ancestry

White little eyes
At the corner of the class
Foreign in the environment she is in
Made to feel like a housefly in a bowl of soup
Disgusting and unwanted
She stares brave
She stands bare
Not hiding from the onlookers
Her fellow classmates
Examining her like an extinct animal
As though they are at a zoo
Taking photos 
Pointing fingers 
Fright in their eyes
But she is a small little girl 
She can't bite 
She is just black

Mother wasn't for the idea
Daddy proclaimed, 
"She is my strong little girl.
She will do fine in her new school. 
She will represent our race well. 
She is as worthy to study in that university
As any other person
Pink, red, black or white."

Mother let go
Tears she held close 
But careful not to let any drop drop
From her big white eyes 
As she saw the same eyes stare at her
From the body of her grown little girl 
She had to be strong
Not just for her
But for every other child as her own
Black and unwanted 
Condemned and ridiculed
Deemed illiterate and backward
Not worthy of education 
Just slavery

Friday, January 13, 2017

The Life in Words

Don't blame me for my words
that flow out my mouth
through the path of my soul to my heart
my every nerve
Not forgetting my mind
For being involved sometimes

Don't blame me for my words
That cut across your heart
That make you shed a tear or two
Or causes you to rethink your life
For What's my purpose of writing?
If it doesn't move you?
Make you think twice?
Touch your soul?
Strike your every being?
Dis-harden your heart?
Motivate you in the process?
To move you to do something about injustice?
To make you think twice about judging, discrimination...? - the list is endless
To touch your soul with my bitter sweet words?
To strike your every being so as to attain a new way of thinking, feeling and treating others?
That's positive and peaceful?
To dis-harden your heart to accept love, to show love, to share love, to be human?

Don't blame me for my words 
I don't have control over them
They have a mind of their own
They have a flow of their own
I just follow
Where they lead me
I just follow
For I am a vessel
I just follow
For I am a medium
I just follow
Because it may be my purpose

Monday, January 9, 2017

Break the Silence

Today they all came knocking at my door
I refused to open up
So they brought down the door
All my walls came crashing down 
Marble and cement 
Dust and rocks
Bent metals
Broken windows
Seeking to destroy the foundation 
Only time will tell if she stands on firm ground. 

He listens to the rhyme of his breathing 
Because he no longer trusts the rhythm of his heart beat
His mind unravels day by day
His body feels every pain
At the edge of the building he stands
Weighing what choice to make
One push
he falls
No push
he jumps
It's evident
He gave up a long time ago. 

They were stars
That didn't glow in the dark
Obscured by their own insecurities,
Illusions, delusions, hallucinations
Lost in their own reality
Missing a big chunk of themselves
Yanked out?
Spat out?
Self hate and depression
Before it is too late