Friday, August 19, 2016

Music, My Other Language

Strumming your strings
Such sweet pain indeed
Holding tight to sound sweet 
If I let go there will be no hum
If I let go there will be no tune
If I let go there will be no song

Hold you close
Yet not so close
Hold you tight 
Yet not so tight
Hold you right
Strum you right
Let's write out my story 
Through the chords strummed from your strings 
Let's string together 
Let's make music forever

I am afraid
To take it all away
I am afraid
To try and make my way
Will I stand?
Will I sway?
I need to know..
Can I make my way?

See, what you took
Rather, what you have
Rather, the part of me you own
Is the only thing I need
To make my way out
Of this forsaken world
Of hurt and pain

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