Thursday, February 1, 2018

Cheers to poetry written at night

I am meant to be asleep 
But my eyelids won't shut
Because my mind is awake
And there is no way it is letting the other parts of the body rest 

It is beckoning me to think of days past
It is imploring me to think of events yet to pass
I entertain both for a while 
Then rhetoric questions decide...
Don't you think life is full of wonder?
Don't you think you have grown up way too fast?
Are you really ready for the next phase of life?
Are you happy being the person you are?

I am meant to sleep 
But my eyelids won't shut
Because my mind is awake
And there is no way it is letting the other parts of the body rest

That's why I am learning to let my heart lead at times 
Because I bet I'd be asleep way before this time 
It is 2am in the night
The only noise,
My thoughts screaming to be heard.

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