Thursday, August 20, 2015


Step one towards healing
Is acceptance
Acceptance that you are sick then you can work your way up towards healing

Step one towards success
Is acceptance
Acceptance that before you attain that success...
You will fail
Not once, but many times
But what counts is whether you will let failure
Break you or Make you

Step one towards forgiveness
Is acceptance
Acceptance that no human being is perfect
Mistakes are made but you make mistakes as well
Someone forgave your mistakes 
What gives you the right not to forgive the mistakes of others
Especially if they ask for your forgiveness?

Step one towards making a friend and keeping the friend
Is acceptance
Acceptance of the person as they are 
Not the impressions you conjure up in your mind of them

Step one towards gaining respect from others
Is acceptance
Acceptance that you first need to respect yourself
And that respect is a two way traffic

Step one towards getting the ideal guy
Is acceptance
Acceptance that you first need to be an ideal girl
And then you shall attract an ideal guy

Step one towards getting the ideal girl
Is acceptance
Acceptance that you first need to be an ideal guy
And then you shall attract an ideal girl

Step one towards getting along well with life
Is acceptance
Acceptance that there are things you cannot change
You can only deal with them as they are

Step one towards impacting change in society
Is acceptance
Acceptance that things are not always about you
But about others around you as well

Step one towards getting good at what you do
Is acceptance
Acceptance that continuous perfect practice makes perfect
And you need to make it part of your daily routine

Step one towards self healing
Is acceptance
Acceptance that the answers to your problems lie with you

Step one towards positive thinking
Is acceptance
Acceptance that all the negative thoughts are all in the mind
You can do exactly what you set your mind to do
So start thinking positive thoughts

All step ones towards accomplishing or doing something
Involve acceptance
Acceptance of the unwritten norms that precede the task
Acceptance that the commencement of the task as well as it's end
Shall start and end with you when you first 
Accept it.

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