The slow steps towards your doom
Unless you turn the situation around early enough
Revising it from death,
To being reborn
I am Dead but still Alive
Alive but Dead
Pain is all I know
Slowly sipping it all in
Slowly accepting what I have transformed into
Slowly accepting the monster that is me
I didn't want this
Can't you hear me?
I don't like who I have become
How can I proof it to you?
I am damn tired
What more do you want me to say?
Keep off
I said Keep off!!!
Don't come any inch closer to me
I Do Not want your sympathy
I Do Not want your shoulder to lean on
I Do Not want you to be my shrink
A psychological figure to pour my heart out to
To make me more insane than what I already am
For you are Only but a wolf
Dressed in sheep clothing
I see the smirk on your face
I hear what you say behind my back
I know you are laughing at me
Not with me
So for your sake...
Stop the pretense
Stop the hypocrisy
I have beat you at your own game
I have discovered your moves
So we are now playing a new deck of cards
You have never taken me for me
You shall never appreciate the person I am
You shall never accept me with my weakness
You shall never want my prosperity
You shall never want me to succeed
You shall never want me to be happy
I know this for I now know you
The real you
Not the person I wished you are
Not the person I was blinded to think was human
All you want is to see my demise
All you want is to see me fail
All you want is to see me miserable and unhappy with no ounce of joy
I should have seen this coming
They say better the devil you know than the angel you have never seen
You are only interested in business if it gives you profit
You forget that business is about profit and loss as so is friendship
You loose some and you win some
You have good days and bad days
You forget that friendship is an investment
You need to invest your time, your effort and your passion
You need to as well accept failure, its challenges and not give up on it easily
Its a seedling one needs to water everyday and care for it lovingly
For it to mature into a big strong tree that yields goodness
The goodness of offering a shade on hot days
The goodness of baring sweet fruits and sweet smelling flowers
So is friendship when you treat it the same
For it yields the goodness of love, sharing, togetherness, joy and fellowship
But you threw it away
You gave up on the business at the first slightest loss
You didn't even try any kind of investment
You stepped on the seedling
And choked it by refusing to water it and putting it out in the sunshine
But all in all
Thank You
Thank You Very Much for giving me a new vision
One that I can clearly see
One that is not blurred
One that is not tainted
One that is clean and pure
At times a slap on the cheek tends to wake you up
It tends to snap you back to reality
Making me step out of the utopia world I had been in
Dear Friend
It is not my loss
Neither is it yours
But rather it is My Gain
My Success
My Victory
My Eye Opener
My beginning of a new start
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