Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Dear Darling

Hold your breath and count two, ten
Then breath in... breathe out
Now put your trust in me.

Close your eyes and take my hand
We are about to go for a journey you won't forget
So Dear Darling
Don't be scared..
To take the first step.

Hold on tight
Don't let go
I promise
Not to break you or make you fall
Our future is intertwined
I hope you can see
As clear as I can see through the glitter in the sea
The sea of your eyes
A reflection of me
Same as the sea reflects the sky that we now see.

In the present and the beyond
Our hands and hearts will remain
A perfect complete jigsaw
Of different shapes
Different sizes
Different strokes
Perfectly intertwined
Perfect in every way
Natural perfection
For we didn't have to lift a finger
To join the pieces together
For each simply found their perfect other
And they complimented and completed each other.

Isn't it beautiful and warm?
To watch the sun rise and to watch it fall?
Fall... to bow to the rise of the Moon
As the Moon shall soon fall... to bow to the rising Sun
Two leaders that rule with great grandeur
Each with a kingdom they don't fight over
Both beautiful in their perfect way?
Both dependent and independent of each other
Both whose future is intertwined as ours.

Dear Darling
Don't be scared
To open your eyes and make this a reality
To let the jigsaw complete itself
To let our hands intertwine forever
To trust me with all you've got
For I shall always hold on
Even when you let go.

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